Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Some day

One fine morning, while I am still lazying around in bed, the phone will ring and i will hate the sudden barging in on my privacy... but then when the ringer shows its you... my body will be ripped apart by a customary shiver... within the space of those few rings, the laziness will fade away and I will wake wide up due to the alertness it takes in going back and forth on whether I should pick your call right now or call back in the best of my moods. I will pick the call and say a grodgy "hello" to send across the message that I am sleepy and so might not be at my humorous best. But that will soon go into the background when you start to speak. Ankoor, the time that we spent in Bangalore does mean a lot to me, i treasure your friendship and miss you sometimes. And yess, it was perfectly ok to open up the way you did... it isnt foolish and and it doesnt hurt always...After I hang-up the ever so dried out tears will start flowing... I will be happy...

Monday, September 8, 2008

looking at earth from the window of an aeroplane

sachu says "look at the city from the window of an aeroplane and imagine it to be a PCB (Printed Circuit board), the roads being the conductive pathways and we being the electrons moving along these pathways. Think about it, electricity moves from point A to point B which is the essence of a PCB (Printed Circuit Board). Likewise we moving around forms the essence of LIFE. In other words the world is a large PCB we are the electrons. "
Sachu is an electronics engg and so this thought can be categorised as "he has lost it. his work is getting to him"


JUST KIDDING. I liked this thought instantly. So this time when I was flying down from Boston I tried seeing the earth as a PCB. and then I started thinking: -
If I were a painter I could look at earth as a painting which came out so well that its life like
If I were a finance guy I could look at 2 cities as financial institutions and the people traveling from one place to another can be compared to the flow of money
If I were a writer I could look at earth as a book, all of us part of a big story.

i think i should have named this blog "professional poetry from the window of an aeroplane" ;-)

Sunday, September 7, 2008

a beautiful dialogue from 'never been kissed'

that thing...

that moment when you kiss someone and everything around you becomes hazy and the only thing in focus is you and this person...

and you realise that that person is the only person you're supposed to kiss for the rest of your life...

and for one moment you get this amazing gift and you wanna laugh and you wanna cry coz you feel so lucky that you found it and so scared that it will go away all at the same time...